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Requirements for Associate Programs

Associate of Science (AS) 
Associate of Arts (AA)
Associate of Fine Arts (AFA)
Associate of Pre-Engineering Degree (APE)
Associate of Science Business (ASB)
Associate of Science Nursing (ASN)


Associate of Science (AS)

Students may complete an Associate of Science degree in any of the majors below. The AA requires 60 credits including general education requirements, electives, and major courses.

Behavioral Sciences*
Business Services*
Chemical Engineering
Child Development
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Communication and Rhetoric*
Computer Science
Computer Systems and Software*
Construction Management
Criminal Justice and Corrections
Early Childhood Education
Education and Learning*
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering Technology
Exercise Science
Family and Consumer Science Education
Family and Human Development
General Education
Life Sciences*
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Media Studies
Natural Resources
Outdoor Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Physical Education Teaching
Physical Science*
Physics, Engineering and Math*
Political Science
Pre-Health Professions*
Social Science*
Social Work
Software Engineering
Strategic Communication
Transportation Technology
Visual and Performing Arts*
    * Denotes a meta-major. Meta-majors are designed for students who have not decided on a major and have fewer required courses in order to facilitate major exploration.


Associate of Arts (AA)

Students may complete an Associate of Arts degree in any of the majors below. The AA requires 60 credits including general education requirements, electives, and major courses.

Behavioral Sciences*
Business Services*
Chemical Engineering
Child Development
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Communication and Rhetoric*
Computer Science
Computer Systems and Software*
Criminal Justice and Corrections
Early Childhood Education
Education and Learning*
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Exercise Science
Family and Consumer Science Education
Family and Human Development
French Language
General Education
Languages and Linguistics*
Life Sciences*
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Media Studies
Natural Resources
Physical Education Teaching
Physical Science*
Physics, Engineering and Math*
Political Science
Pre-Health Professions*
Social Science*
Social Work
Software Engineering
Spanish Language
Strategic Communication
Teaching English as a Second Language
Visual and Performing Arts*
    * Denotes a meta-major. Meta-majors are designed for students who have not decided on a major and have fewer required courses in order to facilitate major exploration.


Associate of Fine Arts (AFA)

Department: Visual Art

Program Contact: Amy Jorgensen
Phone: (435)283-7408
Email: ude.wons@nesnegroj.yma

Department's Webpage: 
Department's Catalog Page: 

Program Description & Outcomes:  

Program Description: For majors, the Associate of Fine Arts in Visual Studies is an interdisciplinary studio arts degree. The AFA degree provides students with fundamental competencies in artistic practice, critical thinking, and creative problem solving. These core themes are applied to material, process, historical context, concept, and critical theory. The program utilizes innovative practices and technologies in the visual arts and creative industry while fostering professional networks and engaging in dialog with communities on a global level. Students, in collaboration with faculty, design a curricular emphasis specific to their professional career goals. The entrepreneurial and professional practices component of this degree prepares students for success at every level. Students completing this competitive and demanding AFA program will leave with a keenly developed sensibility and skill set and are prepared to successfully transfer to a senior institution and engage with an evolving creative industry.

Students completing the AFA degree should be able to demonstrate the following Student Learning Outcomes:

  • PRINCIPLES OF CONCEPT: Demonstrate an integration of conceptual principles 
  • MATERIAL PROFICIENCY: Demonstrate a proficiency in materials and techniques 
  • HISTORICAL CONTEXT: Demonstrate fluency in historical content and context 
  • CRITICAL THEORY: Demonstrate the ability to critically analyze a work of art 
  • CREATIVE PROCESS: Demonstrate the application of the creative process 

Program Requirements:

Visual Arts Foundation (18):

These courses that should be taken Fall and Spring semesters of the freshman year.

  • ART 1100 Visual Culture (3)
  • ART 1110 Drawing I (3)
  • ART 1120 2D Surface (3)
  • ART 1130 3D Space (3)
  • ART 1140 4D Time (3)
  • ART 1150 Photo I (3)

Foundations Review (Co-curricular Requirement):

Conducted at the end of the foundation year (Pass/Fail)

Art History Core (6):

This two-course series should be taken Fall and Spring of the sophomore year.

  • ARTH 2710 Art History Survey I (3)
  • ARTH 2720 Art History Survey II (3)

Art Electives (21):

Note: Faculty advisement is recommended with studio electives to ensure articulation of credit, discipline relevance, and assurance of semester taught.

  • ART 1001 Summer Snow Workshops (1)
  • ART 1500 Silver & Alternative Photo (3)
  • ART 1600 Intro to Jewelry/Small Metals (3)
  • ART 2110 Experimental Drawing (3)
  • ART 2190 Figure Studio (1)
  • ART 2200 Beginning Oil Painting (3)
  • ART 2230 Relief Printmaking (3)
  • ART 2240 Intaglio Printmaking (3)
  • ART 2300 Introduction to Painting (3)
  • ART 2400 Introduction to Graphic Design (3)
  • ART 2410 Introduction to Animation (3)
  • ART 2420 Experimental Animation (3)
  • ART 2510 Photo: Portraits & Selfies (3)
  • ART 2520 Photo: Landscape & Place (3)
  • ART 2600 Sculpture I (3)
  • ART 2630 Mixed Media: Collage & Assemblage (3)
  • ART 2650 Ceramics Sculpture (3)
  • ART 2670 Ecorché — The Skeleton (1)
  • ART 2680 Ecorché — The Muscles (1) 
  • ART 2690 Figure Sculpture (3)
  • ART 2950 Experiments in Visual Thinking (3)
  • ART 3100 Figure Drawing (3)

Seminars (7):

  • ART 1200 Art Talks (4) (take a minimum of 4 times.)
  • ART 2000 AFA Capstone Seminar (2)
  • ART 2756 Travel Seminar (1) (one travel experience required)

General Education (28): (Same as AS)

Always check with your advisor prior to registration. Alternative courses exist in many of the GE categories. Consult the official GE worksheet for all options.

  • GNST 1200 Foundations (3)
  • HIST 1700 American Civilization (AI) (3)
  • MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy (MA) (3)
  • ENGL 1010 Expository Composition (E1) (3)
  • ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing (E2) (3)
  • Fine Arts (FA) Completed in Visual Arts Foundation (3)
  • Humanities (HU) (3)
  • Physical Science (PS) (3)
  • BIOL 1450 Human Dynamics (LS) (3) is recommended
  • BIOL 1455 Human Dynamics Lab (1) is recommended
  • Social Science (SS) (3)
  • Integrated Exploration (IE) Completed in Visual Arts Foundation (3)

Solo AFA Thesis Exhibition/Oral Defense, Co-curricular Requirement (Pass/Fail):

Required Credits: 80

NOTE: AFA candidates must pass all studio courses with a grade of a B- or above in order to be counted toward AFA graduation requirements.

Additional Considerations

  • It is highly recommended that students meet with a faculty advisor prior to registration to assure expediency in the curriculum
  • The AFA curriculum is designed to prepare students and promote successful transfer into 120 hour BFA programs and is an option to the 60 credit hour AA or AS (80 credit hour AFA + 40 credits at senior institution = 120 hour BFA)
  • In consultation with a faculty advisor/mentor Studio Elective courses will be selected to create a curricular pathway based on each student’s unique career goals and specific interests
  • AFA and BFA degrees do not require a foreign language or a minor
  • Based on a student’s college preparation, i.e., AP credit, concurrent enrollment, transfer credit, summer course work, and overall college readiness, the AFA can be completed in five semesters
  • The AFA includes two co-curricular degree requirements
    • Foundations Review (entrance into the program)
    • AFA Thesis Exhibition and Oral Defense
  • AFA candidates must pass all studio courses with a grade of a B- or above in order to be counted toward AFA graduation requirements
  • Always consult the catalog to assure when each course is taught 



Associate of Pre-Engineering Degree (APE)

Department: Computer Science & Engineering

Program Contact: Garth Sorenson
Phone: (435) 283-7531
Email:  ude.wons@nosneros.htrag 

Department’s webpage: 
Department’s catalog page: 

Program Description & Outcomes:  

The Associate of Pre-Engineering (APE) degree is offered to students who plan to transfer to a university and pursue a baccalaureate degree in any of the traditional fields of engineering. This degree requires an emphasis of course work in engineering, mathematics, and science; with fewer general education requirements than that required for the associate of science (AS) or the associate of arts (AA) degree. However, it is recommended that a student earn the AS as well as the APE while at Snow College. These additional general education credits can be acquired by transfer of college credit taken while in high school, by taking credits during summer semester, or by transferring credits back to Snow College from the university. The option of taking some general education classes at the upper division level in the university is consistent with Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) standards.

Course work for the APE degree must include the completion of a minimum of 64 semester credit hours as specified below. (At least 21 semester hours must be resident credit earned at Snow College.) Credit may be transferred from any accredited college or university for which course equivalents have been certified. The minimum grade accepted from transfer credit is C- (1.7). A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 must be earned on course work completed at Snow College.

Program Requirements:

Engineering Science (12):

  • CS 1400/1405 Fundamentals of Programming and Lab (4)
  • CS 1410/1415 Object-oriented Programming and Lab (4)
  • CS 2420 Data Structures and Algorithms (3)
  • CS 2450 Introduction to Software Engineering (3)
  • CS 2810 Computer Organization and Architecture (3)
  • ENGR 1000 Introduction to Engineering (2)
  • ENGR 1300 Engineering Graphics & Design (3)
  • ENGR 2010 Statics (3)
  • ENGR 2030 Dynamics (3)
  • ENGR 2140 Strength of Materials (3)
  • ENGR 2160 Materials Science
  • ENGR 2240 Survey & Global (3)
  • ENGR 2250/2255 Analog Circuits (4)
  • ENGR 2300 Thermodynamics (3)
  • ENGR 2450 Numerical Methods (3)
  • ENGR 2700/2705 Digital Circuits (4)

Mathematics (15):

  • MATH 1210 Calculus I (5)
  • MATH 1220 Calculus II (4)
  • MATH 2210 Calculus III (3)
  • MATH Differential Equations & Linear Algebra (4)
  • MATH 2270 Linear Algebra (3)
  • MATH 2280 Differential Equations (3)

Physical Science (10):

  • PHYS 2210/2215 University Physics I & Lab (5)
  • PHYS 2220/2225 University Physics II & Lab (5)
  • CHEM 1210/1215 Principles of Chemistry I & Lab (5)
  • CHEM 1220/1225 Principles of Chemistry II & Lab(5)

English Composition (6):

  • ENGL 1010 Introduction to Writing (3)
  • ENGL 2010 Intermediate Writing (3)

General Education (6):

  • 6 additional credit hours selected from approved general education courses. These can be chosen from: Humanities, Fine Arts, Life Science, Social & Behavioral Sciences, or American Institutions.

Engineering Technical Elective (12):

  • A minimum of 12 credit hours selected from: Life Science, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, or other engineering-related course work approved by the Engineering Department.

Required Credits: 62


Additional General Education courses must be taken to earn an Associate of Science Degree.

Related Programs:


Associate of Science Business (ASB)

Department: Business

Program Contact: Kelly Larsen 
Phone: (435)283-7557 
Email: ude.wons@nesral.yllek

Department’s webpage: 
Department’s catalog page: 

Program Description & Outcomes:  

For a description of this program and its outcomes, click here.

Program Requirements:

Core Requirements (33):

  • ACCT 2010 Financial Accounting (3)
  • ACCT 2020 Managerial Accounting (3) +
  • BUS 1010 Introduction to Business (3)
  • BUS 1200 Business Careers Seminar (1)
  • BUS 1700 Professional Business Leadership (1)
  • BUS 2200 Business Communication (3)
  • BUS 2010 Business Computer Proficiency (3)
  • BUS 2050 Business Law (3)
  • ECON 2010 Principles of Microeconomics (3) +x
  • ECON 2020 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) +x
  • MATH 2040 Applied Statistics (4) +x
  • BUS 1270 Strategic Selling (IE) (3)
    BUS 2450 Presentations for Business (3)

General Education Requirements (29):

  • American Institutions (AI) (3)*
  • Expository Writing (E1) (3)*
  • Intermediate Writing (E2) (3)*
  • Fine Arts (FA) (3)
  • Foundations (FND) (3)
  • Humanities (HU) (3)
  • Natural Science (7)
    (Complete 7 credits from the following. You must have at least 3 credits of LS and 3 credits of PS.)
    • Life Science (LS) (3)
    • Physical Science (PS) (3)
    • Natural Science Lab (LB) (1)
  • Quantitative Literacy (MA) (3)*
  • Social and Behavior Science (SS) (3)

Required Credits: 62


* Must be passed at a C- or higher.

+ Prerequisites Required.

x Can be counted with GE.

MATH 1100 Applied Calculus may be required for admittance to business bachelor’s degree programs at transfer schools. Please see a transfer school adviser for more information.

Related Programs:



Associate of Science Nursing (ASN)

Department: Health Professions

Program Contact: Melissa Blackner 
Phone: (435)893-2232 
Email:  ude.wons@renkcalb.assilem 

Department’s webpage:
Department’s catalog page:  

Program Description & Outcomes:  

Snow College offers a two-year ASN program and an ASN, LPN-RN Bridge option. The ASN degree prepares students for entry-level clinical practices as a registered nurse and to function as a member of a healthcare team in a variety of health care settings. Students who graduate with an ASN degree will be eligible to apply and take the NCLEX-RN exam.  Students will be prepared to go directly into the workforce and/or choose to continue to study towards a higher nursing degree.

Students are accepted into the ASN program both fall and spring semester. Classes are held at the Snow College Richfield Campus and Ephraim West Campus. Clinical sites are located in Central Utah. 

The ASN program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN).

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000 

ASN Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the ASN program, students will be able to do the following:

  1. The student will design and implement individualized patient centered care.
  2. The student will promote collaborative clinical decision making with the inter-professional teams through implementation of effective communication skills.
  3. The student will make clinical decisions substantiated with evidence that integrates knowledge of nursing science to provide competent care. 
  4. The student will incorporate patient safety principles into the plan of care for all individuals.
  5. The student will use technology to document, manage knowledge, and support decision making.

Admission Requirements:

Students must apply for admission to the two-year ASN program as well as the ASN, LPN-RN Bridge program. Admission into each program is based on a point system. Points are primarily based upon GPA, work experience, and references. Packets for each program can be found at

All applications will be completed electronically. You can find the application online at Please review the Application Instructions in the individual program packet before starting your application. Application, transcripts, evaluations, and other required documentation must be received within the application acceptance dates below:

Admission Semester          Application acceptance dates
Fall                                       January 1st – March 1st
Spring                                  July 1st – September 1st

A complete ASN application includes the following:

Apply to Snow College. Your Badger ID and Snow College email are required for your application.

Nursing Application fee of $25.00, non-refundable. Please pay the Snow College Cashier’s Office. 

Current, Utah License 

  • Current, Utah CNA license, for those applying to the two-year ASN program
  • Current, Utah LPN license, for those applying to the ASN, LPN-RN Bridge program

Two Evaluations. Evaluators can be previous or current employers or a teacher. Friends or relatives will not be accepted.

Official transcripts. Send official transcripts to Snow College from ALL colleges/universities you have attended. Snow College transcripts will not need to be sent.

All applicants will be notified by US mail of the final class placement, approximately five weeks after the final application acceptance date.

Post ASN Admission Requirements

Additional documents will be required for those accepted into the ASN program. Complete admission to the Snow College nursing program is contingent upon submission of satisfactory results of the following:

  • Proof of current immunizations which include:  Tdap, MMR, Varicella, Covid, Hepatitis B, two-step TB or chest x-ray, seasonal flu shot.
  • Drug screen and Background check
  • Physical examination which indicates that the applicant is free from any physical or emotional condition that would preclude successful participation and completion of the program. This will be required yearly.
  • CPR Card. A current CPR card must be maintained through the ASN program. We only accept:  American Heart Association, BLS Health Care Provider or American Red Cross, CPR for the Professional Rescuer.
  • Students must review and agree to adhere to the policies and guidelines outlined in the Snow College ASN Handbook.

The nursing department reserves the right to request additional backgrounds and/or drug screenings while enrolled in the nursing program at Snow College. The nursing department reserves the right to deny entrance into the ASN program based upon the results from the background or drug screen or if required documentation is not turned in on time.

Documentation must be provided to the office manager by the following dates.

Admission Semester          Documentation due
Fall                                       July 1st 
Spring                                  December 1st 

The New Student Orientation for the ASN program is mandatory for students to attend. Approximate dates will be two weeks before classes start fall semester and one week before classes start spring semester. 

Two-year ASN Program Requirements:

Pre-application requirements:  Must be completed before your application is submitted.

  • Cumulative College GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applicants with a cumulative college GPA between 2.80 to 2.99 may apply to the program with a written petition.
  • Current, Utah CNA license.
  • Completed one of the following:
    1. Math 0850, 1010, or higher math course passed with a grade of “C” (2.0) or better.
    2. ALEKS PPL score of 30 or above.

Prerequisite Courses (16):

  • BIOL 2320/2325 Human Anatomy with lab (4)
  • BIOL 2420/2425 Human Physiology with lab (4)
  • CHEM 1110/1115 Elementary Chemistry with lab (5)
  • ENGL 1010 Expository Composition (3)

All prerequisite courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “C” for the ASN degree. Prerequisite courses are limited to a total of three attempts, for any one course, to achieve the “C” grade or above, including transfer courses. Applicants, who have taken a prerequisite course more than three times, will not be considered for admission to the ASN program.

ASN Core Courses (37):

  • NURS 1102 Fundamentals of Nursing (3)
  • NURS 1112 Fundamentals of Nursing Lab (1)
  • NURS 1103 Mental Health Nursing (2)
  • NURS 1113 Mental Health Nursing Clinical (1)
  • NURS 1104 Medical-Surgical Nursing Across the Lifespan (2)
  • NURS 1114 Medical-Surgical Nursing Across the Lifespan Lab/Clinical (1)
  • NURS 1105 Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing Care (2)
  • NURS 1115 Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing Care Lab (1)
  • NURS 1125 Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing Care Clinical (2)
  • NURS 1106 Intro to Pharmacology (3)
  • NURS 1107 Maternity Pediatrics Nursing (3)
  • NURS 1117 Maternity Pediatrics Nursing Lab (1)
  • NURS 2140 Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing (2)
  • NURS 2145 Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing Lab (1)
  • NURS 2240 Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical (3)
  • NURS 2160 Advanced Pharmacology (2)
  • NURS 2170 Transition to Professional Nursing (2)
  • NURS 2180 Nursing Capstone Course (2)
  • NURS 2280 Nursing Capstone Clinicals (3)

Co-Requisite Courses (9):

  • *PSY 1010 General Psychology OR HFST 1500 Human Development (3)
  • ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing (3)
  • MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics (3)

GE Courses (9):

  • GE requirement: American Institutions (3)
  • GE requirement: Fine Arts (3)
  • GE requirement: Humanities (3)

Required Credits: 71

Recommended Courses:

It is highly recommended that students take the suggested courses below to enhance their learning in the ASN program. These courses are not required.

  • BIOL 1610 - Biology I
  • BIOL 2060 - Intro to Microbiology
  • BIOL 2650 - Pathophysiology
  • HFST 1020 - Principles of Nutrition
  • TEMA 1000 or NURP 1000 - Intro to Medical Terminology
  • NURS 1101 - Drug Dosages & Calculations
  • *PSY 1010 - General Psychology or HFST 1500 - Human Development


All prerequisite and co-requisite courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “C” for the ASN degree.  All ASN Core Courses must be passed with a minimum grade of “B-“ to continue in the ASN program. We follow Snow College’s grade requirement for the GE courses.

Co-requisite and suggested courses, completed with a minimum grade of “B-”, may be given points in the application process.

*PSY 1010 or HFST 1500 is required for the ASN degree and must be completed by the end of the first semester in the ASN program. If the additional course is completed, you may receive points in the application process.

** Associate degrees require a quantitative literacy course, i.e. MATH 1030 or higher; however, students transferring to a BSN or higher nursing program may need MATH 1040.

ASN, LPN-RN Bridge Program Requirements:

Pre-application requirements:  Must be completed before your application is submitted.

  • Cumulative College GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applicants with a cumulative college GPA between 2.80 to 2.99 with two-years LPN work experience can also apply to the program. 
  • Current, Utah LPN license. 
  • Completed one of the following:
    1. Math 0850, 1010, or higher math course passed with a grade of “C” (2.0) or better.
    2. ALEKS PPL score of 30 or above.

Prerequisite courses (16):  

  • BIOL 2320, 2325  Human Anatomy, Human Anatomy lab (4)
  • BIOL 2420, 2425  Human Physiology, Human Physiology lab (4)
  • CHEM 1110,1115  Elementary Chemistry, Elementary Chemistry lab (5)
  • ENGL 1010  Expository Composition (3)

All prerequisite courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “C” for the ASN degree. Prerequisite courses are limited to a total of three attempts, for any one course, to achieve the “C” grade or above, including transfer courses. Applicants, who have taken a prerequisite course more than three times, will not be considered for admission to the ASN program.

ASN, LPN-RN Bridge Core Courses (15):  

  • NURS 2140   Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing (2)
  • NURS 2145   Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing Lab (1)
  • NURS 2240   Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical (3)   
  • NURS 2160   Advanced Pharmacology (2)   
  • NURS 2170   Transition to Professional Nursing (2)   
  • NURS 2180   Nursing Capstone Course (2)
  • NURS 2280   Nursing Capstone Clinicals (3)

LPN Nursing Courses (22):*** Completed from an accredited LPN program.

Co-Requisite courses (9):

  • *PSY  1010 General Psychology OR HFST 1500 Human Development (3)
  • ENGL 2010 Intermediate Research Writing (3)
  • MATH 1040 Introduction to Statistics (3)

GE Courses (9):

  • GE requirement: American Institutions (3)
  • GE requirement: Fine Arts (3)
  • GE requirement: Humanities (3)

Required Credits: 71

Recommended Courses:

It is highly recommended that students take the courses below to enhance their learning in the ASN program. These courses are not required. 

Suggested courses:  

  • BIOL 2060 - Intro to Microbiology
  • BIOL 2650 - Pathophysiology
  • HFST 1020 - Principles of Nutrition
  • TEMA 1000 or NURP 1000 - Intro to Medical Terminology
  • NURS 1101 - Drug Dosages & Calculations
  • *PSY 1010 - General Psychology or HFST 1500 - Human Development


 All prerequisite and co-requisite courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “C” for the ASN degree. All ASN, LPN-RN Bridge Core Courses must be passed with a minimum grade of “B-“ to continue in the ASN program. We follow Snow College’s grade requirement for the GE courses.

Co-requisite and suggested courses, completed with a minimum grade of “B-”, may be given points in the application process.

*PSY 1010 or HFST 1500 is required for the ASN degree. If the additional course is completed, you may receive points in the application process.

** Associate degrees require a quantitative literacy course, i.e. MATH 1030 or higher; however, students transferring to a BSN or higher nursing program may need MATH 1040.

***The LPN Nursing GPA will be determined from all nursing courses completed. A “B-” (2.7) grade will be used for any LPN courses that are not complete by the application deadline. Students with a grade lower than a B- must show at least part-time experience working as an LPN for a minimum of one year.

Related Programs: